Annual Meeting

165th Annual Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church
Sunday, January 28 at 9 a.m.
Everyone is encouraged to attend the 165th annual meeting of Grace Parish on Sunday, January 28, at 9 a.m. in the nave. At this gathering, parish members will elect new vestry members for three-year terms, hear reports on the parish’s financial status, get an update on the new rector search process, and hear thoughts from our leadership on the year ahead.
We are excited to announce this year’s vestry candidates: Kristin Frisch, Mike Heyer, Mary Merriweather, and Dick Wright. Look out for future issues of the Parish Messenger and iMessenger for more information this outstanding slate of candidates. We encourage all members of the congregation to attend this important meeting.
Report of the 163rd Annual Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church
Download the Report of the 163 rd Annual Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church Here