Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 13
All you can eat!
$5 per adult $3 per child or $15 per Family Maximun
In some societies, the days before Ash Wednesday are a time for outrageous behavior and extravagant feasting – Carnevale (“farewell to meat”) or Mardi Gras (“Fat Tuesday”). The English Shrove Tuesday refers to the need to be “shriven” – to confess sins and be absolved – in preparation for the austerities of Lent. The pancakes are a great way to use the last of the butter, milk, and eggs as we prepare ourselves for a simpler existence during Lent.

After a meal of pancakes, people are invited to bring last year’s palm crosses or fronds to be burned during a prayer service.
The ashes that result from this fire are used as the ashes for our services on Ash Wednesday. In some ways, this represents a little death; a letting go of the past in order to embrace God’s future. The burning of the palms is best done in silence.
Bring your palms from last year to help kindle the fire.