Lenten Practices
Please click on the blue headlines below to learn more about our Lenten offerings.
- Keeping A Holy Lent:
Have you been looking for ways to keep a holy lent and giving up chocolate or that latte doesn’t do much for you? The Diocese of Missouri has provided 40 ways you can keep a holy Lent, connect with the Divine and reflect on what God is calling you to be and do. Maybe, just maybe, you may find yourself continuing well past Lent. May you be blessed in your journey - Stations of the Cross:
A 14-step devotional that takes us through Good Friday, the last day of Jesus’ life. Make a virtual meditative and prayerful pilgrimage through our worship space. At each icon on the wall, we stop for reflection and prayer for each step of Jesus’ journey to the cross, his death, and burial. You are also invited into the sanctuary to make this pilgrimage in person.
- Centering Prayer or sitting in silence with a holy word to quiet the mind
- Walking daily with breathing prayers
Lenten Worship
- The Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 8 and10 a.m.
- Sunday Worship is also available live at 10 a.m. on our Facebook page at 10 and our website. Virtual services are available on our website all week.
- The Holy Eucharist is also celebrated each Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the nave.
- Legacy Giving:
A gift to the Grace Legacy fund supports the mission and ministries in perpetuity. Learn how you can include Grace in your estate plan. - Annual Pledge:
Make a payment towards your yearly pledge. If you have not done so already, it is never too late to pledge.
- Easter Offering:
Our Easter Offering Donation to the Easter Offering supports The American Friends of the Diocese of Jerusalem.
Christian Formation
- Bishop’s Lenten Book Study: Tuesdays, March 8 – April 5 at 7 p.m. via Zoom
Bishop Deon Johnson and Canon Doris Westfall invite you to join them each Tuesday evening in Lent for a discussion of the book Hospitable Planet: Faith, Action and Climate Change, by Stephen A. Jurovics. Learn more about the program and get the zoom link here. - Glittering Images
Adult Christian Education Sundays at 9 a.m. in the LaVielle Conference Room Mo Virginia will continue her study of the book, Glittering Images each Sunday at 9 a.m. in the LaVielle Conference Room. Speak with Ginny if you need a book or feel free to join the class and learn from the discussion. Susan Howatch’s Book “Glittering Images” is the first of a series of books written after writer Howatch’s conversion to Christianity. Regarding this series, words from two reviews: “they arise out of Howatch’s own experience of conversion. Howatch emphasizes aspects of Christianity and spirituality that especially interest contemporary readers. She shows the Church as relevant to the world they live in changing in response to the changing times while remaining rooted in God.” “The story is a story of spiritual transformation and leaves the reader wanting to step into this journey for themselves.”
Resources for Families With Young Children
- Sacred Spaces
Download this packet to learn how to set aside a sacred space in your home for the journey towards Easter. Let your child help in setting this space apart. Each week (Sunday after church or a designated day) add another object to the “Lenten Sacred Space.”
- Gift of time to a worthy charity or cause
- Write cards to someone who may be lonely
- Write or call an old friend who you have not heard from in a while
- Make a daily phone call to someone lonely