The Parish Survey

Parish Survey Team

The Parish Profile team’s charge is to develop and collect important information through surveys and listening sessions. These steps must happen before we can invite clergy to apply to serve as our next rector.

Every member should plan to complete the survey which will be online (with a paper version for those who need it). There will be facilitated listening sessions, too. Grace is fortunate to have highly talented people carrying this work forward, and they are counting on every one of us to have a say in the process of seeking a new rector.

Brent VanConia is at the helm of the survey sub-committee (Lindsay Amen, Lesley Hoffarth, Jackie Johnson, Rachel Major, Janet Mika, Andy Miller, and Jenn Wethington). Shari Bonham serves as a resource. Grace is fortunate to have highly talented people carrying this work forward, and they are counting on every one of us to have a say in the process of seeking a new rector.

The Survey

Every member should plan to complete the survey which will be online (with a paper version for those who need it). There will be facilitated listening sessions, too. Grace is fortunate to have highly talented people carrying this work forward, and they are counting on every one of us to have a say in the process of seeking a new rector.

The parish survey will be sent out to the congregation in mid-September. The surveys will be completely confidential, and every member at least 16 years old should plan to participate. Your input will help provide the information to be used to connect with potential candidates for Rector. Whoever will be our next Rector needs to know how we think and feel about living out the ministry of Christ.

Grace members who do not have access to e-mail or computers are encouraged to complete the survey in paper form. Just let us know so we can make it happen! We need your family’s correct contact information and e-mail addresses. Parish directories are available on the table outside the parish hall. Please check the directory and send updates to your contact information to: [email protected]