Our Finances


Our financial situation at Grace is on sound footing. This is the result of two successful capital campaigns designated to improve our facility, reduce our debt, and add funds to our Legacy Trust. In fact, the proceeds from this trust and our Endowment Trust have contributed about 28% to our current year’s operating budget. The total worth of these two Trusts is over $3.4 Million at the end of 2022. Perpetual Grace is an initiative that allows parishioners to designate Grace in their planned giving. This has been successful and there are currently over fifty-seven parishioners on our “Leaf” plaque, with twelve having been added in the last year alone. The generosity of our parishioners is one of our strengths. We come forward when there is a need.

We have upgraded our HVAC Systems, replaced our windows, replaced our boilers, replaced most of our roofs, and upgraded our worship space over the past eleven years. Because of this, our facility is in great shape and our carbon footprint has been significantly reduced. We are in maintenance mode now.

Our Operating Budget has been in a balanced mode for the past five years (2018-2022). Our total revenues have averaged $635,600 while our total expenses have averaged $632,660 during that same time. Our average actuals for the past five years are $614,465 Revenue and $615,667 Expenses. We have been able to meet our total Diocesan Assessment for the past ten years as well. While the number of pledging units has decreased, our average pledge has increased by 15%. This iis a testament to God’s goodness and the parish’s belief in stewardship.

These pie charts reflect our 2023 Operating Budget. We added an additional revenue stream in 2021 by upgrading our kitchen to satisfy Commercial Kitchen requirements and now have tenants on a regular basis. It is our plan to redirect this revenue to our mission and outreach ministries. We are looking forward to the future and how we can further impact the community around us, especially those in need.
